The title of the blog already explains a lot ... Besides, here I put texts, fragments of thoughts, images that I capture of different environments and situations. I am an event illuminator and pic maker and thinker. I hope I leave you here to some profit. Thanks for listening.
sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012
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sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012
Meu Deus do céu são quase onze horas da noite e, na medida em que o tempo passa, o calor aumenta. Uma brisa passeia ao lado de minha janela, mas, misteriosamente, ela não entra.
Goodness is nearly eleven o'clock at night and, as time passes, the heat increases. A breeze walks beside my window, but, mysteriously, it does not.
Goodness is nearly eleven o'clock at night and, as time passes, the heat increases. A breeze walks beside my window, but, mysteriously, it does not.
quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012
Boa tarde. Hoje correria & 40 graus nesta cidade fudida
Estou deixando links de músicas e artistas que gosto.
Sempre que eu puder, farei isto. a postagem vai se chamar Trinca f's. Abraços.
Good afternoon. Today rush & 40 degrees in this city fucky.
I am leaving links music and artists that I like.
Whenever I can, I'll do it. the post will be called f Trinca's. Hugs.
Estou deixando links de músicas e artistas que gosto.
Sempre que eu puder, farei isto. a postagem vai se chamar Trinca f's. Abraços.
Good afternoon. Today rush & 40 degrees in this city fucky.
I am leaving links music and artists that I like.
Whenever I can, I'll do it. the post will be called f Trinca's. Hugs.
segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012
Cara, na sexta feira eu estava indo para o "inferno" e, do ônibus, observava as nuvens... Elas estavam gorduchas, columbiformes define, num céu azul fortíssimo acima e fraquinho no horizonte... E pensei: como alguém poderia ter alguma dúvida sobre a existência de Deus?
Man, on Friday I was going to "hell" and the bus, watching the clouds ... They were plump, Columbiformes defines, in a blue sky above and very strong soft spot on the horizon ... And I thought, how could anyone have any doubt about the existence of God?
Man, on Friday I was going to "hell" and the bus, watching the clouds ... They were plump, Columbiformes defines, in a blue sky above and very strong soft spot on the horizon ... And I thought, how could anyone have any doubt about the existence of God?
sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012
quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2012
quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012
Cota para AFRO-BRASILEIROS até em concursos? EU SOU AFRO-BRASILEIRO e sou completamente contra!!!. Isto é discriminação, alguém ainda não entendeu???!!! É o mesmo que indicar em um ônibus onde sentarão negros, mestiços e/ou sei lá mais o que e onde ficarão os brancos e/ou sei lá mais o quê!!! PQP* , qual a P* da importância, C*!!! Vão se f*!!!!!
Quota for AFRO-BRAZILIAN even in contests? I AM AFRO-BRAZILIAN and I am completely against!. This is discrimination, anyone still not understand??! It is the same as indicated on a bus sit where blacks, mestizos and / or who knows what else and where will the white and / or who knows what else! PQP * P * which the importance of the C *! Will f *!!
Quota for AFRO-BRAZILIAN even in contests? I AM AFRO-BRAZILIAN and I am completely against!. This is discrimination, anyone still not understand??! It is the same as indicated on a bus sit where blacks, mestizos and / or who knows what else and where will the white and / or who knows what else! PQP * P * which the importance of the C *! Will f *!!
Olha, vai por mim, trabalho com isto há mais de 10 anos. Nunca vi nada igual ou melhor do que a produção do intervalo Superbowl Madonna+Nick Minaj+ M.I.A. Dê uma olhada e esquece o dedo, ninguém viu só a imbecil da imprensa, prá variar... Abraço.
Look, go for me, working with it for over 10 years. I never saw anything equal to or better than the production interval Superbowl Madonna Nick Minaj + + MIA Take a look and forget the finger, no one saw only the idiot media, practical change ... Hug.
Look, go for me, working with it for over 10 years. I never saw anything equal to or better than the production interval Superbowl Madonna Nick Minaj + + MIA Take a look and forget the finger, no one saw only the idiot media, practical change ... Hug.
Fui à médica. Ela deu uma olhada em meus exames e disse: "Pára com o açúcar agora mesmo!" Bem, já fazem alguns anos que como uma barra de chocolate de 180 gramas por dia, f*, não uso drogas a nem mais quanto tempo, soh bebo cerveja ou refrigerante, quase não faço mais nada e agora esta... f*!!! daqui a pouco vão me dizer para eu parar de f* também... F*, onde está esta tal felicidade??? Se falar com ela, peça, por favor, para ela me ligar 55 51 84651094. Grato pela atenção.
I went to the doctor. She glanced in my tests and said: "Stop the sugar right now!" Well, it's been some years as a bar of chocolate at 180 grams per day, f *, do not use drugs or how much longer the code, just drink beer or soda, hardly do anything else and now this ... f *! in a moment I will tell me to stop f * also ... F *, where this is such happiness?? If you talk to her piece, please call me to it 55 51 84651094. Thanks for your attention.
I went to the doctor. She glanced in my tests and said: "Stop the sugar right now!" Well, it's been some years as a bar of chocolate at 180 grams per day, f *, do not use drugs or how much longer the code, just drink beer or soda, hardly do anything else and now this ... f *! in a moment I will tell me to stop f * also ... F *, where this is such happiness?? If you talk to her piece, please call me to it 55 51 84651094. Thanks for your attention.
Digite um texto ou endereço de um site ou traduza um documento.
segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012
Oi. Vocês conhecem Cali Swag District?
Ouçam aí...
Hi You know Cali Swag District?
Listen here ...
Ouçam aí...
Hi You know Cali Swag District?
Listen here ...
Olá, tudo bem? Criei este blog para falar sobre músicas/artistas,projetos que gosto. Sou um apaixonado pela música. Talvez escreva algo sobre minha vida de cachorro. Vou tentar prover este blog de atualizações constantes. Grato pela atenção.
Hello, okay? I created this blog to talk about music / artists that I like projects. I am passionate about music. Maybe write something about my dog's life. I'll try to provide this blog for constant updates. Thanks for your attention.
Hello, okay? I created this blog to talk about music / artists that I like projects. I am passionate about music. Maybe write something about my dog's life. I'll try to provide this blog for constant updates. Thanks for your attention.
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