Festigkeit, insgesamt über ein Jahr gehenGott sei Dank sind wir hier gesund leben?Viele Gemeinde in der Haube, TaschengeldOhne Not ist und nois ...Lasst uns anstoßen den Tag, Das morgen gehört Gott allein ist das Leben Loka.Lassen Sie mich sprechen, Pocé,Alles, alles, alles geht, alles ist StiefbruderBald wollen wir die große Welt zu brechen,Cord Elite, 18K,Poe am Handgelenk, Breitling Logo,Wie wäre es? okay?Bausch & Lomb Lupe, Bombeta Weißwein,Champagner in der Luft, die unsere Wege öffnen ist,Schwach ist der Teufel, ich hasse es, sich rühmen,Lachen Sie, lachen Sie nicht mehr diskreditiert nicht.Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, das Ende des Leidens,Ein Toast Profis Krieger, Joe polvinho Ich bedauere,Worms, das gerade macht Gewicht auf der Erde.Schießen Zoio.Schießen Zoio, zu sehen, ob ich irre,Ich schlafe zum Krieg bereitUnd ich war nicht so, ich hasse,Und ich weiß, es ist schlecht für mich,Machen Sie es so,Vida Loka cabulosa,Der Geruch von Schießpulver ist,Und ich bevorzuge Rosen.Und ich und ich ..., dass ...Sie wollten schon immer einen Platz,Lawn und sauber, so grün wie das Meer,Weiß Picket Fences, ein Gummi mit Skala,Disbicando Kite, umgeben von Kindern ...Wie ... wie BrownWake up gutes Blut,Hier ist rund Capon, truKeine pokemon,Süd ist das Gegenteil: Stress ist konzentrierter,Ein gebrochenes Herz, pro Quadratmeter ...Je mehr Zeit ich werde widerstehen,Schlimmste, was ich jemals in meiner guten Seite U.T.I gesehen,Mein Engel der Vergebung war gut,Aber es ist schwach,Schuldig der unreine Geist undurchsichtig.Ich wollte, zu testen und zu sehen,Ein Beutel, mit Herrlichkeit, Ruhm,Eingewickelt in PaketIst dies, was Sie wollen,Komm und hol ihn.Spielen Sie in einem Fluss von Scheiße und Anzeige mehrerer Sprung,Das Geld ist hart,In der Hand des Slums, ist das Schleifen Guela,In der Krise zerfällt mehrere Stein 90.Ich spiele um zu gewinnen,Mein Geld, kommt und geht,Aber wer hat, hat,Wachsen nicht die Zoio jemand,Was sein muss,Es wird mein sein,'Wieder in den Sternen geschrieben,Wird zu Gott klagen.Stellen Sie sich vor nois Audi,Oder Citroen,Gehen Sie hier, dorthin zu gehen,Nur pam,Hin und her,In Capon, der Freiraum, der Großvater Halskette,Im Steinbruch von St. Benedikt,Am Abgrund, an der Spitze,Freitag.Schiebedach,Der Mond steht fürHören Cassiano,Ha.Die Gambe nicht ausstehen.Die meisten, wenn nicht,Nego,Was hatDas Wichtigste ist, wir sind hier,Nächstes JahrDer Weg,Das Glück noch existiert,Es ist ein schmaler,Inmitten des Dschungels traurig.Die CE-zahlt,Um deine Mutter jetzt sehenUnd nie sehen Ihre chit,Verlassen,Geben Sie dem Haus, verleiht dem FahrzeugEin Glock und eine falsche,Steigen blinden KnieTausend und hundert Schritte.Hot ist ein tausend GradWas der Krieger sagte,Der Staatsanwalt ist nur ein Mann,Gott ist der Richter.Während Joe Polvinho,Stoned das Kreuz,Und der Bastard, einheitliche,Er spuckte auf Jesus.Oh ..Bei 45 Sekunden des reuigenGespeichert und verziehen,Dimas ist der Dieb.Loko ist das Ding,Schaudert bei derOhDimas, der erste Loka Lebensgeschichte.Ich sage.Ruhm ... Ehre sei ...Ich weiß, dass Gott hier ist.Und wer istNur wer soll fühlen.Und mein Krieger des Glaubens,Ich will hören, .... ich hören will ...Und mein Krieger des Glaubens,Ich will hören, Bruder ... ...Wir sind darauf programmiert, um zu sterben,Richtig ... Recht ... es ist, dass in der geglaubt ...FestigkeitEs geht nicht um Luxus,Es geht nicht um Farbe,Frage, die reichlich ist,Sie behauptet, den Leidenden.Es geht nicht um Preise, ich leugneDie Idee ist, dassMisery bringt Trauer, und umgekehrt,UnbewusstKommen Sie in meinem ganzen Verstand,ein Tennis-ShopDas Aussehen der Partner glücklich,Sie können kaufen,Die blau, rot,Der Zähler, der SpiegelDas Lager, das Modell.Egal,Geld ist eine Schlampe,Und öffnet die Tür,Montieren Sie die Sandburg niemanden.Schwarz-GeldDiese Worte sind RivalenEs istAlso diese Shows auf ass,How do you do.Seine Beerdigung war dramatisch,Als eines alten Blues,Aber er hatte Stil,Verzeihen Sie mir, für vogelfrei.Zeit zum Nachdenken,Stoppen wollen,Was tha 'was?Wohnen wie ein kleiner König,Oder wie ein Joe?Manchmal denke ich,Dass alle Black Like MeIch will nur ein Stück Land im BuschNur ihr.Kein Luxus, schlichte, Baden in einem Bach,Kein Hunger,Die Auswahl der Früchte im Bündel.Es Forelle, ist, was ich denke,Ich habe auchAber in Sao PauloGott ist eine Punktzahl von 100,Vidaloka!
"Weil die Krieger des Glaubens nie zufriert,Mögen nicht die Ungerechten und nicht gelb,Der König der Könige, wurde verraten und blutete auf dieser Erde,Aber als ein sterbender Mann ist der Preis des Krieges,Aber oh, undDa ist, wenn genaue, ertrinkt in seinem eigenen Blut, so wirdUnser Geist ist unsterblich, Blut von meinem Blut,Unter dem Schnitt des Schwertes und der Duft der Rose,Keine Ehrungen, keine Massage. "Das Leben ist Loka NiggaUnd ich bin es vorbei.In den ersten Dimas.Gesundheit Krieger!Dimas ... Dimas ... Dimas ...
The title of the blog already explains a lot ... Besides, here I put texts, fragments of thoughts, images that I capture of different environments and situations. I am an event illuminator and pic maker and thinker. I hope I leave you here to some profit. Thanks for listening.
quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012
Firmness, total, over one year goingThank God we're here live healthy?Many community in the hood, pocket moneyWithout misery, and is nóis ...Let's toast the dayThat tomorrow belongs to God alone, life is loka.Let me speak, pocê,Everything, everything, everything goes, everything is step brotherSoon let's break the big world,Cord elite, 18K,Poe on the wrist, Breitling logo,How about? okay?Bausch & Lomb magnifying glass, Bombeta white wine,Champagne in the air, which is to open our ways,Poor is the devil, I hate to boast,Laugh, laugh no more discredits not.It's just a matter of time, the end of suffering,A toast pros warrior, joe polvinho I regret,Worms that just makes weight on earth.Shoot Zoio.Shoot Zoio, see if I err,I sleep ready for warAnd I was not so, I hate,And I know it's bad for me,Make it so,Vida loka cabulosa,The smell of gunpowder is,And I prefer roses.And I and I ... that ...Always wanted a place,Lawn and clean, so green as the sea,White picket fences, a rubber with scale,Disbicando kite, surrounded by children ...How ... how BrownWake up good blood,Here is round Capon, truNo pokemon,South is the contrary, stress is concentrated,A broken heart, per square meter ...The more time I will resist,Worst I've ever seen my good side in U.T.I,My angel of forgiveness was good,But it's weak,Guilty of unclean spirit opaque.I wanted to, to test and see,A pouch, with glory, fame,Wrapped in packageIf this is what you want CEIS,Come and get it.Play in a river of shit and view multiple jump,Money is tough,In the hand of slums, is grinding Guela,In the crisis, several stone crumbles 90.I'm playing to win,My money, comes and goes,But who has, has,Do not grow the Zoio anyone,What has to be,It will be mine,'re Written in the stars,Will complain to God.Imagine nóis Audi,Or Citroen,Going here, going there,Only pam,Back and forth,In Capon, the clearance, grandfather necklace,In the quarry of St. Benedict,At the precipice, at top,Friday.Sunroof,The moon representsListening Cassiano,Ha.The gambe not GUENTA.Most if not,Nêgo,What hasThe important thing is we are here,Next year,The path,Happiness still exists,It is a narrow,Amid the jungle sad.The ce pays,To see your mother nowAnd never see your chit,Leave,Give the house, gives the carA glock and a false,Climb blind kneeOne thousand and one hundred steps.Hot is a thousand degreeWhat the warrior said,The prosecutor is only one man,God is the judge.While Joe Polvinho,Stoned the cross,And the bastard, uniform,He spat on Jesus.Oh ..At 45 seconds of the repentantSaved and forgiven,Dimas is the thief.Loko is the thing,Shudders at the timeOhDimas, the first loka life history.I say.Glory ... Glory ...I know that God is here.And just who isJust who is going to feel.And my warrior of faith,I want to hear .... I want to hear ...And my warrior of faith,I want to hear ... brother ...We are programmed to die,Right ... right ... it is believed that in der ...FirmnessIt's not about luxury,It's not about color,Question that is plenty,It claims the sufferer.It's not about prizes, I denyThe idea is that,Misery brings sadness, and vice versa,Unconsciously,Come in my whole mind,a tennis shop,The look of the partner happy,You can buy,The blue, red,The counter, the mirrorThe stock, the model.No matter,Money is a bitch,And opens the door,mount the sand castle anyone.Black and moneyThese words are rivalsIt isSo these shows to ass,How do you do.His funeral was dramatic,As an old blues,But he had style,Forgive me, an outlaw.Time to think,Want to stop,What tha 'what?Living like a little king,Or much like a Joe?Sometimes I think,That all black like meJust want a piece of land in the bushOnly her.No luxury, barefoot, swimming in a creek,No hunger,Picking the fruit in the bunch.There trout, is what I think,I alsoBut in Sao PauloGod is a score of 100,Vidaloka!
"Because the warrior of faith never freezes,Do not like the unjust, and not yellow,The King of kings, was betrayed and bled on this earth,But as a dying man is the prize of war,But Oh, andAs is, if accurate, drowns in his own blood, so willOur spirit is immortal, blood of my blood,Among the cut of the sword and the perfume of the rose,No honors, no massage. "Life is loka NiggaAnd I'm passing it.In the first Dimas.Health warrior!Dimas ... Dimas ... Dimas ...
"Because the warrior of faith never freezes,Do not like the unjust, and not yellow,The King of kings, was betrayed and bled on this earth,But as a dying man is the prize of war,But Oh, andAs is, if accurate, drowns in his own blood, so willOur spirit is immortal, blood of my blood,Among the cut of the sword and the perfume of the rose,No honors, no massage. "Life is loka NiggaAnd I'm passing it.In the first Dimas.Health warrior!Dimas ... Dimas ... Dimas ...
quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012
segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012
quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012
videoart by marcelo monteiro
sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012
Meus Amigos Mortos
Fiquei sabendo, de ontem para hoje, que dois
amigos, meus "chegados", vieram a falecer. Um deles, amigo e colega de
trabalho, morreu agonizando e pedindo que pelo menos o retirassem
dentre as ferragens... (choro)... , o outro, uma pessoa que não me
lembro uma só vez tê-lo visto com expressão de tristeza, ou depressão,
nunca o vi "olhando para baixo" ou contrariado, soturno, "de cara
fechada"... Todas as vezes em que o encontrava, estava sempre
sorrindo, rindo ou brincando de um jeito sadio, o bom moleque...
Bem, não demorou muito e me veio a velha
pergunta: Com tanto filho da puta fazendo "hora extra no mundo", por
quê as pessoas boas, as que não fazem mal, acabam "indo embora"?
Quero dizer, por quê, aos invés de um grande
amigo seu falecer de maneira aterradora e agonizante, não fosse então,
melhor, que morresse um destes políticos filhos da puta, ou um serial
killer, ou um fanático religioso?
Porra, os políticos, por exemplo: o que mais tem
em meu país (Brasil) é político filho da puta ladrão corrupto
usurpador! Alguém precisa deles? Algum é seu amigo (neste caso, melhor
rever seus conceitos)?Cara, de boa, eu NUNCA ACREDITEI EM MEIA DÚZIA
"COMANDANDO" MILHÕES!!! O povo é gado?
Já um serial killer: na verdade, NEM
NESCESSITARIA SEU NASCIMENTO, quem dirá alguma permanência no mundo...
Fanáticos religiosos, homicidas suicidas, lutando
por terras que, quando morrerem, não irão levar junto!!! Terras
manchadas de sangue. Diga para mim, que Deus seria este que aprovaria
São exemplos e a opinião é minha (minha).
Acredito em Deus Pai. Meu Senhor. Sempre e para sempre!!!
Mas, espere aí: talvez possa parecer uma
contradição: talvez seu amigo, filho, filha, esposa, esposo, tenha
sido "promovido" (?). "Encaminhado" para um lugar bem melhor, seguro e
Gosto de algumas coisas neste mundo mas, nunca
duvidei de que se existe um inferno, mas, ora pois, o lugar é este!
Você quer exemplos? Não, acho que não... Se houver coisa pior em outro
lugar depois de eu MORRER, cara, prefiro MORRER!!!
Mas daí já é outro assunto...
Meus amigos mortos nunca fizeram mal à alguém.
Morreram jovens, num mundo em que, "para morrer, basta estar vivo".
Fiquei sabendo, de ontem para hoje, que dois
amigos, meus "chegados", vieram a falecer. Um deles, amigo e colega de
trabalho, morreu agonizando e pedindo que pelo menos o retirassem
dentre as ferragens... (choro)... , o outro, uma pessoa que não me
lembro uma só vez tê-lo visto com expressão de tristeza, ou depressão,
nunca o vi "olhando para baixo" ou contrariado, soturno, "de cara
fechada"... Todas as vezes em que o encontrava, estava sempre
sorrindo, rindo ou brincando de um jeito sadio, o bom moleque...
Bem, não demorou muito e me veio a velha
pergunta: Com tanto filho da puta fazendo "hora extra no mundo", por
quê as pessoas boas, as que não fazem mal, acabam "indo embora"?
Quero dizer, por quê, aos invés de um grande
amigo seu falecer de maneira aterradora e agonizante, não fosse então,
melhor, que morresse um destes políticos filhos da puta, ou um serial
killer, ou um fanático religioso?
Porra, os políticos, por exemplo: o que mais tem
em meu país (Brasil) é político filho da puta ladrão corrupto
usurpador! Alguém precisa deles? Algum é seu amigo (neste caso, melhor
rever seus conceitos)?Cara, de boa, eu NUNCA ACREDITEI EM MEIA DÚZIA
"COMANDANDO" MILHÕES!!! O povo é gado?
Já um serial killer: na verdade, NEM
NESCESSITARIA SEU NASCIMENTO, quem dirá alguma permanência no mundo...
Fanáticos religiosos, homicidas suicidas, lutando
por terras que, quando morrerem, não irão levar junto!!! Terras
manchadas de sangue. Diga para mim, que Deus seria este que aprovaria
São exemplos e a opinião é minha (minha).
Acredito em Deus Pai. Meu Senhor. Sempre e para sempre!!!
Mas, espere aí: talvez possa parecer uma
contradição: talvez seu amigo, filho, filha, esposa, esposo, tenha
sido "promovido" (?). "Encaminhado" para um lugar bem melhor, seguro e
Gosto de algumas coisas neste mundo mas, nunca
duvidei de que se existe um inferno, mas, ora pois, o lugar é este!
Você quer exemplos? Não, acho que não... Se houver coisa pior em outro
lugar depois de eu MORRER, cara, prefiro MORRER!!!
Mas daí já é outro assunto...
Meus amigos mortos nunca fizeram mal à alguém.
Morreram jovens, num mundo em que, "para morrer, basta estar vivo".
My Dead Friends
I learned from yesterday to today, that two friends, my "arrived", died. One friend and colleague, died in agony and asking at least withdraw from the hardware ... (Crying) ... The other, a person who can not remember once seeing him with an expression of sadness or depression, I never saw him "looking down" or upset, gloomy, "frowning" ... Every time she met, she was always smiling, laughing or playing a sound like the good boy ...
Well, not long after, came the old question: With so much My Dead Friends
I learned from yesterday to today, that two friends, my "arrived", died. One friend and colleague, died in agony and asking at least withdraw from the hardware ... (Crying) ... The other, a person who can not remember once seeing him with an expression of sadness or depression, I never saw him "looking down" or upset, gloomy, "frowning" ... Every time she met, she was always smiling, laughing or playing a sound like the good boy ...
Well, not long after, came the old question: With so much motherfucker doing "extra time in the world," why good people, those who are not evil, just "going away"?
I mean, why, instead of to a great friend of his death so terrifying and agonizing, was not then better to die one of these political bastards, or a serial killer, or a religious fanatic?
Damn, the politicians, for example: what else is in my country (Brazil) is a political bastard usurper corrupt thief! Someone needs them? Some is your friend (in this case, better revise their concepts)? Man, good, I never believed in HALF DOZEN "RUNNING" MILLION! The people are cattle?
Have a serial killer, in fact, neither would nescessário HIS BIRTH, let alone stay in a world ...
Religious fanatics, suicide murderers, fighting for land, when they die, they will not take along! Land stained with blood. Tell me, that God would approve of this that LANDS WITH BLOOD?
Examples and my opinion is (my).
I believe in God the Father My Lord. Always and Forever!
But wait: You may seem a contradiction: perhaps his friend, son, daughter, wife, husband, has been "promoted" (?). "Referred" to a much better place, secure and peaceful.
I like some things in this world, but never doubted that there is a hell, but now because this is the place! Want some examples? No, I do not think ... If worse somewhere else after I DIE, man, I'd rather DIE!
But there is another matter ...
My dead friends never did harm to anyone. Died young in a world where, "to die, just being alive." Take care of yourself.
I learned from yesterday to today, that two friends, my "arrived", died. One friend and colleague, died in agony and asking at least withdraw from the hardware ... (Crying) ... The other, a person who can not remember once seeing him with an expression of sadness or depression, I never saw him "looking down" or upset, gloomy, "frowning" ... Every time she met, she was always smiling, laughing or playing a sound like the good boy ...
Well, not long after, came the old question: With so much My Dead Friends
I learned from yesterday to today, that two friends, my "arrived", died. One friend and colleague, died in agony and asking at least withdraw from the hardware ... (Crying) ... The other, a person who can not remember once seeing him with an expression of sadness or depression, I never saw him "looking down" or upset, gloomy, "frowning" ... Every time she met, she was always smiling, laughing or playing a sound like the good boy ...
Well, not long after, came the old question: With so much motherfucker doing "extra time in the world," why good people, those who are not evil, just "going away"?
I mean, why, instead of to a great friend of his death so terrifying and agonizing, was not then better to die one of these political bastards, or a serial killer, or a religious fanatic?
Damn, the politicians, for example: what else is in my country (Brazil) is a political bastard usurper corrupt thief! Someone needs them? Some is your friend (in this case, better revise their concepts)? Man, good, I never believed in HALF DOZEN "RUNNING" MILLION! The people are cattle?
Have a serial killer, in fact, neither would nescessário HIS BIRTH, let alone stay in a world ...
Religious fanatics, suicide murderers, fighting for land, when they die, they will not take along! Land stained with blood. Tell me, that God would approve of this that LANDS WITH BLOOD?
Examples and my opinion is (my).
I believe in God the Father My Lord. Always and Forever!
But wait: You may seem a contradiction: perhaps his friend, son, daughter, wife, husband, has been "promoted" (?). "Referred" to a much better place, secure and peaceful.
I like some things in this world, but never doubted that there is a hell, but now because this is the place! Want some examples? No, I do not think ... If worse somewhere else after I DIE, man, I'd rather DIE!
But there is another matter ...
My dead friends never did harm to anyone. Died young in a world where, "to die, just being alive." Take care of yourself.
motherfucker doing
"extra time in the world," why good people, those who are not evil,
just "going away"?
I mean, why, instead of to a great friend of his death so terrifying and agonizing, was not then better to die one of these political bastards, or a serial killer, or a religious fanatic?
Damn, the politicians, for example: what else is in my country (Brazil) is a political bastard usurper corrupt thief! Someone needs them? Some is your friend (in this case, better revise their concepts)? Man, good, I never believed in HALF DOZEN "RUNNING" MILLION! The people are cattle?
Have a serial killer, in fact, neither would nescessário HIS BIRTH, let alone stay in a world ...
Religious fanatics, suicide murderers, fighting for land, when they die, they will not take along! Land stained with blood. Tell me, that God would approve of this that LANDS WITH BLOOD?
Examples and my opinion is (my).
I believe in God the Father My Lord. Always and Forever!
But wait: You may seem a contradiction: perhaps his friend, son, daughter, wife, husband, has been "promoted" (?). "Referred" to a much better place, secure and peaceful.
I like some things in this world, but never doubted that there is a hell, but now because this is the place! Want some examples? No, I do not think ... If worse somewhere else after I DIE, man, I'd rather DIE!
But there is another matter ...
My dead friends never did harm to anyone. Died young in a world where, "to die, just being alive." Take care of yourself.
I mean, why, instead of to a great friend of his death so terrifying and agonizing, was not then better to die one of these political bastards, or a serial killer, or a religious fanatic?
Damn, the politicians, for example: what else is in my country (Brazil) is a political bastard usurper corrupt thief! Someone needs them? Some is your friend (in this case, better revise their concepts)? Man, good, I never believed in HALF DOZEN "RUNNING" MILLION! The people are cattle?
Have a serial killer, in fact, neither would nescessário HIS BIRTH, let alone stay in a world ...
Religious fanatics, suicide murderers, fighting for land, when they die, they will not take along! Land stained with blood. Tell me, that God would approve of this that LANDS WITH BLOOD?
Examples and my opinion is (my).
I believe in God the Father My Lord. Always and Forever!
But wait: You may seem a contradiction: perhaps his friend, son, daughter, wife, husband, has been "promoted" (?). "Referred" to a much better place, secure and peaceful.
I like some things in this world, but never doubted that there is a hell, but now because this is the place! Want some examples? No, I do not think ... If worse somewhere else after I DIE, man, I'd rather DIE!
But there is another matter ...
My dead friends never did harm to anyone. Died young in a world where, "to die, just being alive." Take care of yourself.
Meine toten Freunde
Ich lernte von gestern bis heute, dass zwei
Freunde, meine "angekommen", gestorben. Ein Freund und Kollege, starb
in Agonie und fragen, zumindest von der Hardware zurückzutreten ...
(Weint) ... Der andere, ein Mensch, der sich nicht erinnern kann
einmal sehen, ihn mit einem Ausdruck von Trauer oder Depression, ich
sah ihn nie "schaut" oder aufgeregt, düster, "Stirnrunzeln" ... Jedes
Mal, wenn sie traf, war sie immer lächeln, lachen oder spielen einen
Sound wie der gute Junge ...
Na ja, nicht lange danach kam die alte Frage: Mit
so viel zu tun Motherfucker "extra Zeit der Welt," warum gute
Menschen, diejenigen, die nicht böse, nur "weg"?
Ich meine, warum, anstatt zu einem großen Freund
von seinem Tod so erschreckend und quälend, war damals nicht besser,
eine dieser politischen Bastarde, oder einen Serienmörder oder einen
religiösen Fanatiker sterben?
Verdammt, die Politiker, zum Beispiel: was ist
in meinem Land (Brasilien) ist eine politische Bastard Usurpator
korrupten Dieb! Jemand braucht sie? Einige ist dein Freund (in diesem
Fall, besser zu überarbeiten ihre Konzepte)? Man, gut, ich habe nie
geglaubt, in Half Dozen "RUNNING" MILLIONEN! Die Leute sind Rinder?
Werfen Sie einen Serienmörder, in der Tat, nicht
seine GEBURT NESCESSITARIA, geschweige denn in einer Welt zu bleiben
Religiöse Fanatiker, Selbstmörder, kämpfen um
Land, wenn sie sterben, werden sie nicht mitnehmen! Land mit Blut
befleckt. Sag mir, dass Gott dies billigen, der landet mit Blut?
Beispiele und meiner Meinung nach ist (mein).
Ich glaube an Gott den Vater mein Herr. Immer und ewig!
Aber halt: Sie können ein Widerspruch erscheinen:
vielleicht seinen Freund, Sohn, Tochter, Ehefrau, Ehemann, wurde
"befördert" (?). "Bezogen" zu einem viel besseren Ort, sicheren und
Ich mag einige Dinge in dieser Welt, aber nie
daran gezweifelt, dass es eine Hölle gibt, aber jetzt, da dies der
richtige Ort! Willst du ein paar Beispiele? Nein, ich glaube nicht ...
Wenn schlimmer woanders nach meinem Tod, Mann, ich würde lieber
Aber es ist eine andere Sache ...
Meine toten Freunde nie etwas zuleide. Starb jung
in einer Welt, wo ", um zu sterben, nur am Leben zu sein." Passen Sie
auf sich auf.
Ich lernte von gestern bis heute, dass zwei
Freunde, meine "angekommen", gestorben. Ein Freund und Kollege, starb
in Agonie und fragen, zumindest von der Hardware zurückzutreten ...
(Weint) ... Der andere, ein Mensch, der sich nicht erinnern kann
einmal sehen, ihn mit einem Ausdruck von Trauer oder Depression, ich
sah ihn nie "schaut" oder aufgeregt, düster, "Stirnrunzeln" ... Jedes
Mal, wenn sie traf, war sie immer lächeln, lachen oder spielen einen
Sound wie der gute Junge ...
Na ja, nicht lange danach kam die alte Frage: Mit
so viel zu tun Motherfucker "extra Zeit der Welt," warum gute
Menschen, diejenigen, die nicht böse, nur "weg"?
Ich meine, warum, anstatt zu einem großen Freund
von seinem Tod so erschreckend und quälend, war damals nicht besser,
eine dieser politischen Bastarde, oder einen Serienmörder oder einen
religiösen Fanatiker sterben?
Verdammt, die Politiker, zum Beispiel: was ist
in meinem Land (Brasilien) ist eine politische Bastard Usurpator
korrupten Dieb! Jemand braucht sie? Einige ist dein Freund (in diesem
Fall, besser zu überarbeiten ihre Konzepte)? Man, gut, ich habe nie
geglaubt, in Half Dozen "RUNNING" MILLIONEN! Die Leute sind Rinder?
Werfen Sie einen Serienmörder, in der Tat, nicht
seine GEBURT NESCESSITARIA, geschweige denn in einer Welt zu bleiben
Religiöse Fanatiker, Selbstmörder, kämpfen um
Land, wenn sie sterben, werden sie nicht mitnehmen! Land mit Blut
befleckt. Sag mir, dass Gott dies billigen, der landet mit Blut?
Beispiele und meiner Meinung nach ist (mein).
Ich glaube an Gott den Vater mein Herr. Immer und ewig!
Aber halt: Sie können ein Widerspruch erscheinen:
vielleicht seinen Freund, Sohn, Tochter, Ehefrau, Ehemann, wurde
"befördert" (?). "Bezogen" zu einem viel besseren Ort, sicheren und
Ich mag einige Dinge in dieser Welt, aber nie
daran gezweifelt, dass es eine Hölle gibt, aber jetzt, da dies der
richtige Ort! Willst du ein paar Beispiele? Nein, ich glaube nicht ...
Wenn schlimmer woanders nach meinem Tod, Mann, ich würde lieber
Aber es ist eine andere Sache ...
Meine toten Freunde nie etwas zuleide. Starb jung
in einer Welt, wo ", um zu sterben, nur am Leben zu sein." Passen Sie
auf sich auf.
Making of ensaio de Felipe Gaieski no Estúdio Hybrido, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
Making of Felipe Gaieski Test im Studio Hybrido, Porto Alegre, Brasilien. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-xgMZrV5nk&feature=youtube_gdata
Making of Felipe Gaieski test in Studio Hybrido, Porto Alegre, Brazil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-xgMZrV5nk&feature=youtube_gdata
Making of Felipe Gaieski Test im Studio Hybrido, Porto Alegre, Brasilien. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-xgMZrV5nk&feature=youtube_gdata
Making of Felipe Gaieski test in Studio Hybrido, Porto Alegre, Brazil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-xgMZrV5nk&feature=youtube_gdata
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tieXMn1_eoI&feature=youtube_gdata BRASIL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tieXMn1_eoI&feature=youtube_gdata BRASIL
Você quis dizer: videosbra by artista plástico Marcelo Monteiro
Digite um texto ou endereço de um site ou traduza um documento.
terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012
sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012
quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012
terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012
My Place
Arlindo Cruz
Mein Platz
Oguns Pfad und IANSA
Es haben bis zum Morgen Samba
Eine Schaukel auf jeder Etage
Mein Platz
Es wird von Kampf und Schweiß umgeben
Die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Welt
Und Bier zu feiern
Mein Platz
Es hat seine Mythen und Wesen des Lichts
Es ist sehr nah an Osvaldo Cruz,
Cascadura, Vaz Lobo und Irajá
Mein Platz
Du lächelst, ist Frieden und Freude
Ihr Name ist süß zu sagen,
Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia, Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia
Ahhh, was ein Ort,
Nostalgie erinnert mich
Die Liebe, die ich dort hatte
Es ist schwer zu vergessen
Süße Ort
Was ist ewig in meinem Herzen
Und die Dichter inspirierte
Zu singen und zu schreiben
Oh mein Platz
Wer hat nicht schon Tante Eulalia tanzen sehen
Oma Maria segnete den Hof
Und immer noch das Spiel im Mondschein
Oh was für ein Ort,
Wir haben tausend Dinge zu sagen,
Der schwierige Teil ist zu wissen, Finish
Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia, Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia, Madureiraaa
An jeder Ecke eine Pagode in einer Bar
in Madureiraaa
Portela Reich und es gibt auch
in Madureiraaa
Und Sie können kaufen Mercadão
Für ein Schnäppchen werden Sie führen
Ein Dengo, ein Traum für alle, die träumen wollen
in Madureiraaa
Und wer qualifiziert kann aufstehen
Hat Spiel Leinwand, rustikal und Billard
Hole, Schwedisch pro Zeit verstreichen
in Madureiraaa
Und ich kann sogar einen Sprung des Glaubens
In Gruppe hundert und zehntausend
7 an Seite werde ich umgeben
in Madureiraaa
Und lalalaiala ILK würde la la ...
in Madureiraaa
Arlindo Cruz
Mein Platz
Oguns Pfad und IANSA
Es haben bis zum Morgen Samba
Eine Schaukel auf jeder Etage
Mein Platz
Es wird von Kampf und Schweiß umgeben
Die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Welt
Und Bier zu feiern
Mein Platz
Es hat seine Mythen und Wesen des Lichts
Es ist sehr nah an Osvaldo Cruz,
Cascadura, Vaz Lobo und Irajá
Mein Platz
Du lächelst, ist Frieden und Freude
Ihr Name ist süß zu sagen,
Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia, Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia
Ahhh, was ein Ort,
Nostalgie erinnert mich
Die Liebe, die ich dort hatte
Es ist schwer zu vergessen
Süße Ort
Was ist ewig in meinem Herzen
Und die Dichter inspirierte
Zu singen und zu schreiben
Oh mein Platz
Wer hat nicht schon Tante Eulalia tanzen sehen
Oma Maria segnete den Hof
Und immer noch das Spiel im Mondschein
Oh was für ein Ort,
Wir haben tausend Dinge zu sagen,
Der schwierige Teil ist zu wissen, Finish
Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia, Madureiraaa, gibt es Laia, Madureiraaa
An jeder Ecke eine Pagode in einer Bar
in Madureiraaa
Portela Reich und es gibt auch
in Madureiraaa
Und Sie können kaufen Mercadão
Für ein Schnäppchen werden Sie führen
Ein Dengo, ein Traum für alle, die träumen wollen
in Madureiraaa
Und wer qualifiziert kann aufstehen
Hat Spiel Leinwand, rustikal und Billard
Hole, Schwedisch pro Zeit verstreichen
in Madureiraaa
Und ich kann sogar einen Sprung des Glaubens
In Gruppe hundert und zehntausend
7 an Seite werde ich umgeben
in Madureiraaa
Und lalalaiala ILK würde la la ...
in Madureiraaa
O Meu Lugar
Arlindo Cruz
O meu lugar
É caminho de Ogum e Iansã
Lá tem samba até de manhã
Uma ginga em cada andar
O meu lugar
É cercado de luta e suor
Esperança num mundo melhor
E cerveja pra comemorar
O meu lugar
Tem seus mitos e Seres de Luz
É bem perto de Osvaldo Cruz,
Cascadura, Vaz Lobo e Irajá
O meu lugar
É sorriso é paz e prazer
O seu nome é doce dizer
Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá, Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá
Ahhh que lugar
A saudade me faz relembrar
Os amores que eu tive por lá
É difícil esquecer
Doce lugar
Que é eterno no meu coração
E aos poetas trás inspiração
Pra cantar e escrever
Ai meu lugar
Quem não viu Tia Eulália dançar
Vó Maria o terreiro benzer
E ainda tem jogo à luz do luar
Ai que lugar
Tem mil coisas pra gente dizer
O difícil é saber terminar
Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá, Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá, Madureiraaa
Em cada esquina um pagode num bar
Em Madureiraaa
Império e Portela também são de lá
Em Madureiraaa
E no Mercadão você pode comprar
Por uma pechincha você vai levar
Um dengo, um sonho pra quem quer sonhar
Em Madureiraaa
E quem se habilita até pode chegar
Tem jogo de lona, caipira e bilhar
Buraco, sueca pro tempo passar
Em Madureiraaa
E uma fezinha até posso fazer
No grupo dezena centena e milhar
Pelos 7 lados eu vou te cercar
Em Madureiraaa
E lalalaiala laia la la ia...
Em Madureiraaa
Arlindo Cruz
O meu lugar
É caminho de Ogum e Iansã
Lá tem samba até de manhã
Uma ginga em cada andar
O meu lugar
É cercado de luta e suor
Esperança num mundo melhor
E cerveja pra comemorar
O meu lugar
Tem seus mitos e Seres de Luz
É bem perto de Osvaldo Cruz,
Cascadura, Vaz Lobo e Irajá
O meu lugar
É sorriso é paz e prazer
O seu nome é doce dizer
Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá, Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá
Ahhh que lugar
A saudade me faz relembrar
Os amores que eu tive por lá
É difícil esquecer
Doce lugar
Que é eterno no meu coração
E aos poetas trás inspiração
Pra cantar e escrever
Ai meu lugar
Quem não viu Tia Eulália dançar
Vó Maria o terreiro benzer
E ainda tem jogo à luz do luar
Ai que lugar
Tem mil coisas pra gente dizer
O difícil é saber terminar
Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá, Madureiraaa, lá lá laiá, Madureiraaa
Em cada esquina um pagode num bar
Em Madureiraaa
Império e Portela também são de lá
Em Madureiraaa
E no Mercadão você pode comprar
Por uma pechincha você vai levar
Um dengo, um sonho pra quem quer sonhar
Em Madureiraaa
E quem se habilita até pode chegar
Tem jogo de lona, caipira e bilhar
Buraco, sueca pro tempo passar
Em Madureiraaa
E uma fezinha até posso fazer
No grupo dezena centena e milhar
Pelos 7 lados eu vou te cercar
Em Madureiraaa
E lalalaiala laia la la ia...
Em Madureiraaa
My Place
Arlindo Cruz
My place
Ogun's path and Iansã
There have samba till morning
A swing on each floor
My place
It is surrounded by struggle and sweat
Hope for a better world
And beer to celebrate
My place
It has its myths and Beings of Light
It is very close to Osvaldo Cruz,
Cascadura, Vaz Lobo and Irajá
My place
You smile is peace and pleasure
Your name is sweet to say
Madureiraaa, there there laia, Madureiraaa, there there laia
Ahhh what a place
Nostalgia reminds me
The love that I had there
It's hard to forget
sweet place
What is eternal in my heart
And the poets inspiration behind
To sing and write
Oh my place
Who has not seen Aunt Eulalia dancing
Grandma Mary blessed the yard
And still have the game in the moonlight
Oh what a place
We have a thousand things to say
The hard part is knowing finish
Madureiraaa, there there laia, Madureiraaa, there there laia, Madureiraaa
On every corner a pagoda in a bar
in Madureiraaa
Portela Empire and there are also
in Madureiraaa
And you can buy Mercadão
For a bargain you will lead
A Dengo, a dream for those who want to dream
in Madureiraaa
And who qualifies can get up
Has game canvas, rustic and billiards
Hole, Swedish pro time pass
in Madureiraaa
And I can even make a leap of faith
In group hundred and ten thousand
7 by side I'll surround
in Madureiraaa
And lalalaiala ilk would la la ...
in Madureiraaa
Arlindo Cruz
My place
Ogun's path and Iansã
There have samba till morning
A swing on each floor
My place
It is surrounded by struggle and sweat
Hope for a better world
And beer to celebrate
My place
It has its myths and Beings of Light
It is very close to Osvaldo Cruz,
Cascadura, Vaz Lobo and Irajá
My place
You smile is peace and pleasure
Your name is sweet to say
Madureiraaa, there there laia, Madureiraaa, there there laia
Ahhh what a place
Nostalgia reminds me
The love that I had there
It's hard to forget
sweet place
What is eternal in my heart
And the poets inspiration behind
To sing and write
Oh my place
Who has not seen Aunt Eulalia dancing
Grandma Mary blessed the yard
And still have the game in the moonlight
Oh what a place
We have a thousand things to say
The hard part is knowing finish
Madureiraaa, there there laia, Madureiraaa, there there laia, Madureiraaa
On every corner a pagoda in a bar
in Madureiraaa
Portela Empire and there are also
in Madureiraaa
And you can buy Mercadão
For a bargain you will lead
A Dengo, a dream for those who want to dream
in Madureiraaa
And who qualifies can get up
Has game canvas, rustic and billiards
Hole, Swedish pro time pass
in Madureiraaa
And I can even make a leap of faith
In group hundred and ten thousand
7 by side I'll surround
in Madureiraaa
And lalalaiala ilk would la la ...
in Madureiraaa
Hier eine Weile über meine Eindrücke schreiben, auf die Arbeit zu MEIN LAND ... WARTEN.
Digite um texto ou endereço de um site ou traduza um documento.
sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012
Ontem vi "Buena Vista Social Club" pela primeira vez... Depois de 11 anos de lançamento e dúzias de premiações. . E pensei: "pôrra, há esperança, há esperança!"
Yesterday I saw "Buena Vista Social Club" for the first time ... After 11 years of release and dozens of awards. . And I thought, "Damn, there is hope, there is hope!"
Gestern sah ich "Buena Vista Social Club" zum ersten Mal ... Nach 11 Jahren der Freisetzung und Dutzende von Auszeichnungen. . Und ich dachte: "Verdammt, es gibt Hoffnung, es gibt Hoffnung!"
Yesterday I saw "Buena Vista Social Club" for the first time ... After 11 years of release and dozens of awards. . And I thought, "Damn, there is hope, there is hope!"
Gestern sah ich "Buena Vista Social Club" zum ersten Mal ... Nach 11 Jahren der Freisetzung und Dutzende von Auszeichnungen. . Und ich dachte: "Verdammt, es gibt Hoffnung, es gibt Hoffnung!"
quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012
Guten Tag. Vor langer Zeit wurde ich gerade einen Deutschkurs und noch
einmal, erzählte unser Lehrer, für die Gründe, warum ich nicht mehr
daran erinnern, uns von Hausfrauen DEUTSCHLAND.
Er erzählte uns, dass, Hausfrauen DEUTSCHE
respeitadíssimas und waren von großer Bedeutung für die Wirtschaft,
weil praktisch diktiert, was wäre das Essen, Artefakte und andere
Produkte / von den Menschen in seinem Land gekauft verbraucht sein.
Ich habe nie vergessen, dieses besondere
Thema, weil ich sah, dass die Menschen geschätzt und respektiert
werden könnten, zumindest in einem Teil der Welt.
Unser Lehrer erzählte uns, dass, wenn der
Preis für Kartoffeln, zum Beispiel, ist wieder deutlich gestiegen,
Hausfrauen DEUTSCHE Dieses Produkt, dessen Preis um mindestens einen
Wert von sagen, weniger ungerecht reduziert werden boykottiert.
Viele habe ich zu vielen Leuten darüber
gesprochen, weil ich es war (ist) sehr wichtig ist, lohnt sich zu
kommunizieren, zu verbreiten.
Wäre das in meinem Land passieren, aber leider
die Hausfrauen BRAZILIAN nicht den gleichen Respekt und
Rücksichtnahme. Schließlich sind alle unsere Mitarbeiter, um ehrlich
zu sein, ist so Rinder in Schlachthöfen respektiert ...
Unsere Leute sind so hinterhältig, so viel
Angst, als Sklave, ich denke, es nie in den Sinn gekommen, dass die
Menschen hier, wenn es mehr Aufwand, wir könnten besser Verbrauch und
Respekt haben ...
Ich finde, dass seltsame fast 200 Millionen
Brasilianer von "einer Handvoll" von Politikern, meist korrupten Karte
gesteuert werden.
Hätte nie gedacht, ich würde am ehesten
machbar durch wenige geregelt sein. Nie.
Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Passen Sie auf
sich auf. Umarmungen. FabinhO
einmal, erzählte unser Lehrer, für die Gründe, warum ich nicht mehr
daran erinnern, uns von Hausfrauen DEUTSCHLAND.
Er erzählte uns, dass, Hausfrauen DEUTSCHE
respeitadíssimas und waren von großer Bedeutung für die Wirtschaft,
weil praktisch diktiert, was wäre das Essen, Artefakte und andere
Produkte / von den Menschen in seinem Land gekauft verbraucht sein.
Ich habe nie vergessen, dieses besondere
Thema, weil ich sah, dass die Menschen geschätzt und respektiert
werden könnten, zumindest in einem Teil der Welt.
Unser Lehrer erzählte uns, dass, wenn der
Preis für Kartoffeln, zum Beispiel, ist wieder deutlich gestiegen,
Hausfrauen DEUTSCHE Dieses Produkt, dessen Preis um mindestens einen
Wert von sagen, weniger ungerecht reduziert werden boykottiert.
Viele habe ich zu vielen Leuten darüber
gesprochen, weil ich es war (ist) sehr wichtig ist, lohnt sich zu
kommunizieren, zu verbreiten.
Wäre das in meinem Land passieren, aber leider
die Hausfrauen BRAZILIAN nicht den gleichen Respekt und
Rücksichtnahme. Schließlich sind alle unsere Mitarbeiter, um ehrlich
zu sein, ist so Rinder in Schlachthöfen respektiert ...
Unsere Leute sind so hinterhältig, so viel
Angst, als Sklave, ich denke, es nie in den Sinn gekommen, dass die
Menschen hier, wenn es mehr Aufwand, wir könnten besser Verbrauch und
Respekt haben ...
Ich finde, dass seltsame fast 200 Millionen
Brasilianer von "einer Handvoll" von Politikern, meist korrupten Karte
gesteuert werden.
Hätte nie gedacht, ich würde am ehesten
machbar durch wenige geregelt sein. Nie.
Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Passen Sie auf
sich auf. Umarmungen. FabinhO
Good afternoon. Long ago, I was doing a course and, once again, our teacher, for reasons I do not remember, told us of housewives OF GERMANY.
He told us that, Homemakers GERMAN respeitadíssimas and were of great importance for the economy because virtually dictated what would be the food, artifacts and other products purchased / consumed by the people of his land.
I have never forgotten this particular topic because I saw that the people could be valued and respected, at least in one part of the world.
Our teacher told us that when the price of potatoes, for example, went up a lot, Homemakers GERMAN boycotted this product, its price to be reduced by at least a value of say, less unjust.
Many I've talked to many people about it because I felt it was (is) very important, worthwhile to communicate, disseminate.
Would this happen in my country but unfortunately, the housewives BRAZILIAN not have the same respect and consideration. Finally, all our people, to be frank, is so respected as cattle in slaughterhouses ...
Our people are so conniving, so afraid, as slave, I think it never crossed the minds of people here that if there was more effort, we could have better consumption and respect ...
I find that strange almost 200 million Brazilians are controlled by "a handful" of politicians, mostly corrupt card.
Never thought I would be most feasible governed by few. Never.
Thanks for your attention. Take care of yourself. Hugs. Fabinho.
He told us that, Homemakers GERMAN respeitadíssimas and were of great importance for the economy because virtually dictated what would be the food, artifacts and other products purchased / consumed by the people of his land.
I have never forgotten this particular topic because I saw that the people could be valued and respected, at least in one part of the world.
Our teacher told us that when the price of potatoes, for example, went up a lot, Homemakers GERMAN boycotted this product, its price to be reduced by at least a value of say, less unjust.
Many I've talked to many people about it because I felt it was (is) very important, worthwhile to communicate, disseminate.
Would this happen in my country but unfortunately, the housewives BRAZILIAN not have the same respect and consideration. Finally, all our people, to be frank, is so respected as cattle in slaughterhouses ...
Our people are so conniving, so afraid, as slave, I think it never crossed the minds of people here that if there was more effort, we could have better consumption and respect ...
I find that strange almost 200 million Brazilians are controlled by "a handful" of politicians, mostly corrupt card.
Never thought I would be most feasible governed by few. Never.
Thanks for your attention. Take care of yourself. Hugs. Fabinho.
Boa tarde. Há muito tempo atrás, eu estava realizando um curso e, uma vez, nossa professora, por motivo que não lembro, nos falou das DONAS DE CASA DA ALEMANHA.
Nos contou que, AS DONAS DE CASA ALEMÃS eram respeitadíssimas e de muita importância para a economia pois, praticamente, ditavam o quais seriam os alimentos, artefatos entre outros produtos adquiridos/consumidos pelo povo de sua terra.
Nunca me esqueci deste tópico em particular pois enxerguei que o povo poderia ser valorizado e respeitado, pelo menos em uma parte do mundo.
Nossa professora nos informou que, quando o preço da batata, por exemplo, subia muito, AS DONAS DE CASA ALEMÃS BOICOTAVAM este produto, até seu preço ser reduzido por pelo menos por um valor digamos, menos injusto.
Muito eu já falei sobre isto para muitas pessoas porque senti que era (é) muito importante, valia a pena comunicar, divulgar.
Quem dera em meu país isto acontecesse mas, infelizmente, as DONAS DE CASA BRASILEIRAS não têm o mesmo respeito, consideração. Enfim, todo o nosso povo, para ser franco, é tão respeitado como bois em matadouros...
Nosso povo é tão conivente, tão medroso, tão escravo, que eu acho que nunca passou na cabeça das pessoas daqui que, se houvesse mais esforço, poderíamos ter melhores condições de consumo e respeito...
Acho tão estranho quase 200.000.000 de brasileiros serem comandados por "meia dúzia" de políticos, em sua maioria, corruptos de carteirinha.
Nunca achei que fosse viável muitos serem governados por poucos. Nunca.
Grato pela atenção. Cuide-se. Abraços. Fabinho
Nos contou que, AS DONAS DE CASA ALEMÃS eram respeitadíssimas e de muita importância para a economia pois, praticamente, ditavam o quais seriam os alimentos, artefatos entre outros produtos adquiridos/consumidos pelo povo de sua terra.
Nunca me esqueci deste tópico em particular pois enxerguei que o povo poderia ser valorizado e respeitado, pelo menos em uma parte do mundo.
Nossa professora nos informou que, quando o preço da batata, por exemplo, subia muito, AS DONAS DE CASA ALEMÃS BOICOTAVAM este produto, até seu preço ser reduzido por pelo menos por um valor digamos, menos injusto.
Muito eu já falei sobre isto para muitas pessoas porque senti que era (é) muito importante, valia a pena comunicar, divulgar.
Quem dera em meu país isto acontecesse mas, infelizmente, as DONAS DE CASA BRASILEIRAS não têm o mesmo respeito, consideração. Enfim, todo o nosso povo, para ser franco, é tão respeitado como bois em matadouros...
Nosso povo é tão conivente, tão medroso, tão escravo, que eu acho que nunca passou na cabeça das pessoas daqui que, se houvesse mais esforço, poderíamos ter melhores condições de consumo e respeito...
Acho tão estranho quase 200.000.000 de brasileiros serem comandados por "meia dúzia" de políticos, em sua maioria, corruptos de carteirinha.
Nunca achei que fosse viável muitos serem governados por poucos. Nunca.
Grato pela atenção. Cuide-se. Abraços. Fabinho
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