quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

                               TEST OF THE IPOD'S KYKO
Kyko (Israel Kaiper Elias), my good friend, actually my brother, brother more than my blood brothers,'s a very kind and generous too. It's that friend that if you complain they are cold, he takes off his jacket and gives the body to wear it, these things.

It was there that probably in a fit of madness or goodness verging on "alcoholic delirium (at the time he still drank a few beers)," left on my "irresponsible hands a" beautiful "one Ipod classic 160 GB Black to put 'some' songs inside, some movies or clips, "whatever it is you," he told me.

"I do not know" why "VERY CLEAR" to for anything, I can put up the mother inside the unit he touches quiet and still have more to put a 30 Gb father, wife, lover, etc..

Then I went to visit my friends Marcelo & vanessa, complicit in some strange ideas plaguing my brain in order to "jam" the "little radio" in "my homie" Kyko with what had music and clips they put in 'note 'weekly. Some oddities of Vanessa, some noises finally, my mission was to fill the space almost empty with the player who had the silly, but not a place any material and idem, is obvious. Therefore I was there ...

So we spent the afternoon talking (I, Marcelo, Vanessa and a brother which I can not remember the name, sorry) and synchronizing the tracks into the "nature" laptop.

I left there about, I dunno, 10 or 7 Gb of good music and some videos ditto.

As it could not happen (since the space was combined with ether, and the the universe, apart from black holes, the Milky Way and the ozone layer, because with Kyko is that it was not), I was with a player week, I discovered that were placed inside them over 1500 songs in mp3 clips and about 20 or so.

As I had never had the privilege of being able to use an Ipod in my life, I had wonderful surprises and shocking that changed my way of seeing things in the world (son of a bitch, what's the deal, huh?) ...

Starting with headphones, that very "experienced" later in my hands, as you will see later. Simply THE BEST "IN-EARS" already put in my orelhonas of 41 years! Pricey, Fucking hell (!), Almost "PERFECT" (He just perfect). Comfort and harmony response "aggressively soft"! A luxury! Luxury unfortunately for few (including me, say by the way). So I tried to make good use of the time we had with 'radinho' my brother ...

And then, slowly, I discovered a whole world of unlimited possibilities and heavenly (?) And know what else, listening to the Ipod mano Kyko, who does not know right crossing a street, incompetence and lack of education Odd / atrocious my big brother at heart, like most of my buddies also (I cross at the crosswalk and hope when released for cars. ET on I look like a city where I live).

Well, but back to the discovery of the Americas, who did not know that moving device, but I tried to do what any sane person in full possession of his mental faculties would obviously. Read the manual? Are you kidding me! "Tweak", right?!

And there was tweak, tweak and tweak! Start the TEST OF KYKO Ipod, understand?

The IPOD mano Kyko hands abominable (already sucked forces, with or without intention, thousands and thousands of players, cell phones, dvd, blu-rays, cassette players, typewriters, "3 in 1 (hahaaa ...), electric irons and so, vai ... Pity, reportedly now dead) brother of Fabio!

The second, the big, HUGE discovery (the first were the headphones, remember? Oh, the phones ...) was that this model has an option "volume control" ...

The good, í fucked!! Fucked, fucked, fucked it.

In the first tragoléu (a lot of beers) I took, I put in the maximum volume limit, which would be the main two types of volume that the device offers, and then upped the maximum volume of the second of the two types of packages the device offers, understood (repeat to fix)?

Yeah, same fucked ...

But that's the thing: NOT fucked! Sure, began rolling a small "distortion" in the lower frequencies, shifted in EQ - (yes, also has EQ) and, now, the "gravão (often severe)" has to be badass, right?! I fell in love, man!

It was time that I did not fall in love with "someone" so, so, almost without limits!!

At that time almost cried with emotion, rattled my brain, like a pressure, "y'know"?!, Like I was entering (see, in the act of) a fucking blender and hitting everything, the music and I together!

"VERY GOOD", was what I thought.

Well, there was one more week with the IPOD Kyko, even after being informed that the same during the first week I managed to drop the player on the ground (!), About 3 times (another wonderful thing I discovered - resistance falls) and, at least for a 2 feet, walked over the headphones that dragged on the ground (it is obvious that at that moment I was not using them).

Damn, "resisted" "cool," put them in your ears, dirty and scraped (the headphones, not ear) and continue, amazingly, listening without problems! Just had to clean them because they were almost black (the original color is white). By the way, are not white or black shades rather than colors? Doubt that destroys min'alma in the deepest of deep black when I close my eyes and dive and swim with my right brain and such ... or such ...

Well, Kyko explained to me about my total lack of competence to prevent falls from Ipods others because the gadget is rich thing, which helped me (and many) to understand the facts ...

Of course they could not hear or half of half of half of half of half (breathlessly) that was inserted into the Ipod. In two weeks you can not! Just do the math: A song or clip, on average, lasts about 4 minutes. Now, multiplying by 1646, about 20 more videos, divided by, for, aaah can not believe you're reading this, I do not believe I'm writing. Oh, please ...

So let the summary of our last lesson of history telecourse 2 Degree (undergraduate course aired tv):

Ipod (incs of APPLE., Tronikos, Tron, Super Mario, all rights reserved) CLASSIC BLACK 160 GB (!)

We discovered (?) That the artifact responds very well to the frequencies in total "gain" to limit volume as well as their second option, which is the volume that can be undertaken to music, this is also unlimited but with the same great quality when driven to the maximum. In other words, "safe as well."

After first hearing, your hearing will not be the same. Will start demanding the same quality of response to be supplied or know anything better.

2 (?): Resisting numerous drops from various heights, at various distances (think I'm exaggerating a bit). I have not read the manual (I have not read the manual) if the material has memory of shocks from falls. But not doubt if they have told me. Some notebooks have;

3: The headphones also feature great resistance to being dragged and trampled constantly for at least a 2 meter displacement "continuous horizontal ('m studying physics too)." Only after that, for hygiene and zeal (??), Will have to be cleaned, preferably by a damp sponge (see, the stuff is not waterproof);

4 (Are you still reading? Thank you): There is so much available disk space you probably NEVER will enjoy it "100%". Vai die trying, unless you do not do anything else besides using an Ipod, every day. But better leftover storage space than miss, right?!

Will I have to step my therapy for depression. It's too expensive for me. no longer be able to adapt myself to the other "thing" ....

But I can wait about 5 years and then auction off the phone I was sold by my friend and fine artist Marcelo Monteiro, when it becomes more famous than she already is. Ok I earn some money and then I can buy an Ipod Classic Black will already be obsolete, probably.


PS: I can not write in English (translation by Google Translate. Seen Then, right), my English (also by Google) is a shame, but Portuguese (Archaic language derived from Latin) I understand a little. Bye!

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